Read all of the tips which are shared here and you will be able to take the right action in all sorts of situations which have to do with door locks and keys. This page is part of our effort to educate people on various important topics in the locksmith industry.
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Stop hiding keys in obvious places
In an effort to avoid house lockouts people still leave their keys under plant pots and doormats, hide them in window sills, and all around the house. Don't forget that burglars know exactly where to look. Our professionals say that instead of making your life easier, this facilitates the work of intruders. It's best to keep duplicates with you at all times.
Learn more about new systems
Even if you don't care for lock replacement right now or the installation of security systems, it's smart to be aware of what's on the market. New products keep coming out and it will be easier to reinforce security if you already know what's available. By following their development, certainly will know what's best.
Clean rusty keys immediately
It is best if you use a mild and safe rust remover for the purpose. Alternatively, you can boil white vinegar and soak the keys in it after it has reached room temperature once again. Soaking them for around fifteen minutes will help with the natural removal of the rust. If after the cleaning, the keys get rusty again, it is best to replace them.